
Human Factors And Communication Skill - EASA Mod 9

  Human factors and communication skill Sub module -1   It is believed universally that 80% of the accidents are caused by human factors. Factors that affect AMTs are : Poor instruction Bringer repetitive jobs Smelly fumes Loud noises Snow Personal life problems Poorly designed testing for skill and knowledge Fatigue Substance abuse Slippery floors Poor communication   poor tool control Latent medical and environment factors   Incomplete or incorrect documentation Poor training unrealistic deadlines Lack of tools and equipment The PEAR model of human factors in maintenance: The PEAR model makes important considerations of human factors by dividing it into 4 parts. People : who do the job - considering all their capabilities, physical characteristics memoery, confidence, attitude, competent, training, experience, leadership, communication skill, team structure etc. Environment : which they work in - temperature, lighting, noise level , time of the day, safety culture, pressure, distrac


  What is Automation? Is AIML the same? Automation is the process of creating software and systems to replace repeatable processes and reduce manual intervention Automation is directly proportional to Simplicity When an algorithm has the capability of making decision backed by “Reasoning“ is called Artificial Intelligence It gives the machine ability to mimic human-like behaviour and interact with its surrounding with the help of embedded AI algorithms Automating and improving the learning process of computers based on their experiences (from the previous dataset ) without explicitly being programmed - is Machine Learning   Why the change? An increase in overall data and data diversity will drive organisations toward new compute and storage technologies The pace of automation is accelerating, with more organisations creating fully automated value chains CIOs and other technology leadership positions and evolving into customer experience and operations positions Automations used in ne


  ⧫   C arbonate  (CO 3 2-)  : test: add dilute hydrochloric acid. result : effervescence (fizzing), carbon dioxide gas is released ( for testing CO 2  test it with                             Limewater, which will make lime water cloudy.)                                                                           OR test: add dilute nitric acid  result: lime water goes cloudy. ⧫ Chloride  (Cl - ) : test :  Add nitric acid, then aqueous silver nitrate. result: white precipitate of AgCl ( soluble in ammonia ) ⧫  Bromide (Br - ) : test:  Add nitric acid, then aqueous silver nitrate. result : creamy precipitate of AgBr ( slightly soluble in ammonia ). ⧫  Iodide (I - )   :  test :  Add nitric acid, then aqueous silver nitrate. result: yellow precipitate of AgI ( insoluble in excess ammonia ). ⧫  Nitrate (NO 3  - ) : test :  add  aqueous sodium hydroxide then add aluminium. result:   Gas produced turns damp


Write a letter to a headteacher of the school in which you should : identify and evaluate the issues raised in the speech explain your views on whether the headteacher's proposal is the best way to benefit pupils at the school. Begin your letter with, 'Dear headteacher',... ANSWER :  Dear headteacher,         I accept your proposal that you have made such a big proposal towards children which seems to be very good for children and will keep the mind and body of children healthy and they will also be able to do their work and they will understand their responsibilities. And he will also learn to be free from mobile phones and video games and maintain his health, which will affect both their mind and their body in studies. And we expect from you that our children will enrol in sports in other studies too, they will be taken care of physically as well as mentally, and in school, morning circuit exercise is very good and before starting the school, An hour exercise is very good


An electric bell is a surprisingly clever device. It works using direct current from a battery, but it makes a hammer move repeatedly back and forth to strike the gong and produce the sound, which tells us, for example, that someone is at the door. Notice that the construction of a typical doorbell. Notice that the hammer is attached to a springy metal strip, and is normally not in contact with the gong.  When someone presses on the bell push, the circuit is completed. Current flows from the battery round through the electromagnetic coil and springy strip, and back to the battery via at point P. The coil is now magnetised and attracts the springy strip. Two things now happen: the hammer strikes the gong and the circuit breaks at point P.  The current stops, the coil is no longer magnetised, and the strip springs back to its original position. Now the circuit is complete again and a current flows once more. The coil is magnetised and attracts the iron again, the hammer strikes the gong,


Millions of years ago, the arrogance of a mountain Vindhyachal mountain had increased so much that he began to understand himself that it is the best mountain and the best mountain, he started comparing himself to the mountain of Himachal because the highest mountain in Himachal was raised in India. I felt that I was Vindhyachal. He started to increase his size by knowing that I should be the largest mountain in the world, then only the best sage Rishi Agastya was on the way near that mountain, Rishi Agastya was not only married but he got married at the time only. Then Devaraja Indra had already informed him that the Vindhyachal mountain had long been its limits, the sage Agastya did not listen and he went from there when he reached the west direction where Vindhyachal mountain was, then only he reached the way to reach Vindhyachal mountain There was a village there, he and his wife thought that after going a little further, they stayed in this village for a while and whenever they we


2 years ago when I was in 3rd year of my masters in chemistry, I was in my hostel in Mumbai, so there was combined room, so in a single room we 4 roommates were staying but at that time, my 2 roommates were not there, they had gone to out and 1 roommate was sleeping. I was feeling homesick at that time. I was feeling dismayed, that something is going to happen, I was very anxious to know, then when I slept at night at 11:00 pm, after an hour at 12:00 am I felt my bed was moving and I felt someone was pulling my leg, then I slowly got up and was seeing what had happened now, then I was thinking it had really happened or it was my illusion, that I had thought that something is at my back, then I gently looked behind the fascination, so what did I see, it was a scary doll, her eyes were glowing red and I was very scared, then I picked up my friend from sleep, but my friend was very sleepy, then I picked up that doll and threw it out of my room.  Then once more I tried to sleep, but I was