IGCSE past paper answer english first language [500/31] MAY/JUNE 2011
1 Read the following transcript from a radio programme, which is an interview with the editor of
World Wonders, a book of records published annually.
Imagine that you have heard the discussion. Write a letter to the producer of the programme to
express your views on whether or not such books should exist. In your letter you should:
examine the reasons the editor gives for publishing this book;
examine the reasons why the interviewer feels it should not be published;
give your own view and develop your arguments.
Begin your letter, ‘Dear Producer...’.
Base what you write on the ideas in the transcript and be careful to use your own words. You should write between 11⁄2 and 2 sides, allowing for the size of your handwriting.Up to ten marks are available for the content of your answer and up to fifteen marks for the quality of your writing.
Interviewer: Good evening, and thank you for joining us. I understand that you have been involved in publishing this catalogue of world records since its creation?
Editor: Yes, that’s right. I had the idea nearly 40 years ago. A friend wanted to know which the highest-flying bird in the world and we couldn’t find it in any book. Of course, there was no internet then.
Interviewer: Indeed. And since then the book has grown in content and sales every year?
Editor: Yes, it has, and it has become the best-selling annual of all time, as it makes the perfect present. Teenagers are particularly interested in facts and stories about anything extreme.
Interviewer: Undoubtedly there is an appetite for this kind of information, but some believe that what
started out as admirable and educational has now become sensational and that many of
the recently introduced ‘records’ are nothing of the sort. Is it really a record if people stuff
so many hamburgers into their mouths that they have to be taken to the hospital?
Editor: Well, it is a record of sorts, and what has made the book so popular over the years is the
fact that it includes human records as well as physical and natural ones. It’s the human ones
which change from year to year as people strive to scale new heights of human endeavour.
Interviewer: Well, you may describe a new world record for running 100 metres a human endeavour, but is that an accurate description of someone who hasn’t cut his hair or her fingernails for 40 years? Or a man who has extracted 15.41 grams of fluff from his belly button over 20 years? Surely this is just like 19th-century freak shows, which exhibited bearded women, dwarves and conjoined twins? These shows were outlawed decades ago, and rightly so. But nowadays anyone can become famous just by being grotesquely obese – and die of a heart attack before the book is even published.
Editor: Of course we have to exercise judgement. As you know, we stopped including certain
categories of human record which led people to indulge in unhealthy or life-threatening
activities just to get into the book – like eating bicycles.
Interviewer: Yes, and isn’t it true that sales have declined as a result? Surely it was ghoulish interest in the fates of the record-holders which made the book so popular? Not to mention their victims, such as the force-fed cats who died ‘competing’ to be the heaviest cat in the world or those endangered by ‘idiots’ driving way beyond the limits of safety on a public road
Editor: I think that’s a little unfair. We have closed both the categories you mention. The majority
of our sales have always been seasonal as gifts for children. The book awakens a thirst for
knowledge in the young which they often keep for life. Yes, there has been some decline
in traditional markets in recent years – along with those for all other reference books
– as people increasingly look online for information. We shall therefore be launching a spectacular multimedia edition very soon in response to that demand.
Interviewer: Nevertheless, is it not true that you have recently reviewed the policy of censoring content
in response to ‘ethical’ criticisms?
Editor: Yes, but I wouldn’t say that we ever bowed to censorship; I’d prefer to say that we were sensitive to some complaints. Perhaps we overreacted and took out too much. After all, if adults freely decide that they wish to engage in risky behaviour in the hope of achieving a world record – well, that happens all the time. How would Mount Everest ever have been climbed without risk and competition?
Interviewer: Scaling Mount Everest was an achievement which reflects well on the human spirit. That
cannot be said for not washing your face for 50 years.
Editor: Actually, we don’t have a world record for not washing. For one thing, we couldn’t verify
it. We have a full-time team of professional judges who check if any new claim is valid.
Obviously, the ridiculous example you’ve just given wouldn’t be acceptable.
Interviewer: So, will we see a new world record for sword-swallowing in the next edition?
Editor: You'll have to wait and see!
Interviewer: Well, let’s find out what listeners think. Call us now with your views.
Dear Producer,
Yes, editor right in his point of view. This book should be published for the young people to get the knowledge that how did the person do, what's the reason or science behind it. The young people will be also encouraged if they have some inner talent to show. They will also be popular and will get the respect of having talent, from this the nations name will also be popular and the nation will get respect as other big and developed countries.
And Yes, the interviewer is also right in her point of view. As in some records the people have died from doing dangerous stunts and dangerous things. The people don't think of their health if I will do then what will happen to me or if I die by doing this dangerous activity then is this will affect my family. If the person who is doing the dangerous stunts, things or activities and if he will be disabled or died, and if he is the only backbone of the house or the only person who does work and runs his house, then the family will be affected badly.
In some cases, the audition people or the judges or the show director signs an agreement if the person gets disabled or dies by doing of stunts then the show director or the judges are not responsible for this. We are not forcing anyone, if the person is willing to leave, he/she can leave now. And here are some rules if he/she follows this then only they are welcome to the show. If not then they are disqualified from the show at that time only.
This book should be released in the market, as the director told he has seen the teenagers or the young people are interested in such sort of books because this sort of books contains facts and stories about anything extreme. These sort of books are very interesting and contains knowledge and these sorts of books get popular easily worldwide. These books are inspiring for some people and at the same time, they get hurt to themselves which is not good sometimes, these sort of books give motivation for somebody to find their talents, abilities and skills and expertise in some sort of work.