
Showing posts from September, 2020


    Sulfur dioxide is an important compound in its own right. It is used in the manufacture of paper. When made from wood pulp or from other materials, the paper is usually pale yellow in colour. Sulfur dioxide is used to bleach it to the white colour which is needed. Sulfur dioxide is a preference for chloride as it is less harmful to the environment.      Sulfur dioxide is also used in the food industry. It is used to kill bacteria in food to prevent the "going bad". Examples of foods where it is used include dried apricots and wine.      When concentrated, sulfuric acid is very dangerous. It is a powerful dehydrating agent and oxidising agent and can cause very severe burns.      The dehydrating properties of the concentrated acid can be demonstrated in the laboratory by its reaction with sugar (sucrose). Sugar is a carbohydrate - it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The concentrated removes the hydrogen and oxygen in water, leaving carbon behind.                      


 There are two ways to produce a magnetic field - using a permanent magnet or an electromagnet ( a coil of wire through which a current flows). The second of these shows there is a close connection between electricity and magnetism. This was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish scientist, early in the 19th century. He noticed that both static electricity and magnetism showed similar patterns - attractive and repulsive forces, two types of charge or pole, a force that gets weaker at a distance, and so on. Most other scientists thought this was just an interesting coincidence, but Oersted thought there was more to it. He was sure he could find a link between electricity and magnetism - and he did!    In 1820, Oersted gave a lecture on electricity. He described a ship that has been struck by lightning. Its compass was affected so that its north and south poles were reversed. Oersted was certain this proved the link between electricity and magnetism. Then a thought struck him - h


Electricity   >Current: Current is the rate of flow of charge; Electric charge is movement of electrons; To measure current we use ammeter and it’s unit is amperes or amps or A; The ammeter should be connected in series in a a circuit   the current should flow through positive terminal of an ammeter and leave through the negative terminal; Voltage provides the pressure that makes the current flow and to complete the circuit; This must need for a current to flow; If there are any breaks in the circuit, in fact that’s how a switch works. That’s why there is switch in the appliances to get off and its prevents the current from flowing . To calculate the current in the circuit we can use this formula :                     Charge,Q Current, I =—————                       Time, t                 Charge, Q = current I x time, t   > Wires:     If see a 3 pin plug they have different wires and 2 pins plugs are almost same So, the 3 pin plug have 3 different wires that are : The live wire

IGCSE past paper answer english first language [500/31] MAY/JUNE 2011

1 Read the following transcript from a radio programme, which is an interview with the editor of World Wonders , a book of records published annually. Imagine that you have heard the discussion. Write a letter to the producer of the programme to express your views on whether or not such books should exist . In your letter you should: examine the reasons the editor gives for publishing this book; examine the reasons why the interviewer feels it should not be published; give your own view and develop your arguments. Begin your letter, ‘Dear Producer...’. Base what you write on the ideas in the transcript and be careful to use your own words. You should write between 11⁄2 and 2 sides, allowing for the size of your handwriting. Up to ten marks are available for the content of your answer and up to fifteen marks for the quality of your writing.


Fellow students! Big changes are on the Horizon, so all have to change their behaviour Anti- Social Behaviour. There is a new scheme in the school for preventing anti-social behaviour, there will be 'School Court', where a team of 6 students in between 14 - 18 years of aged will be selected and trained by the counsellors for the responsibility and rights of the young people in the society. They will be trained for making decisions, judging the mistakes and agree to remain unbiased in all incidents.  This the good initiative taken by the college, by this the students will be understand their own mistakes and as the 6 students who are selected are of same age and who will understand the teenagers better than the teenagers. By this students will learn how to talk to elders to give respect each other. They will learn their responsibilities as a young generation kid. They will learn to accept their mistakes and faults. They will learn to apologise and take their responsibilities ser