
Showing posts from May, 2020


                                                 The iron produced by the blast furnace is known as 'pig iron' or 'cast iron' and is not pure. It contains about 4% carbon, and other impurities. This amount of carbon makes the iron brittle. This limits the usefulness of the iron, though it can be cast (moulded) into large objects that are not likely to be subjected to deforming forces.        Most of the pig iron produced is taken to make steel. The carbon content is reduced by burning it off as carbon dioxide. Any sulphur contaminated is oxidised to sulphur dioxide. This basic oxygen process  is carried out in a tilting furnace. The method is fast: 350 tonnes of molten iron can be converted in 40 minutes. Scrap steel is added to the molten pig iron for recycling. A high-speed jet of oxygen is blown into the vessel through a water-cooled lance. Some impurities, for example silicon and phosphorus, do not produce gaseous oxides, so lime (CaO) is added to the furnace. The i


                                            Ethanol is the only alcohol that is safe to must only be drunk in moderation, if at all. Methanol is very toxic and in small amounts can cause blindness and death.        Ethanol mixes totally with water, which takes it everywhere in the body that water goes. The amount of alcohol that a person may drink varies with age, sex, weight and drinking history.       Heavy drinking can cause a healthy liver to become fatty and enlarged. Eventually scarring ( cirrhosis) can cause liver failure and death. Prolonged heavy drinking can eventually damage the muscle tissue of the heart. It may also lead to some long-term damage to brain. Alcohol is depressive drug and can be addictive. Drinking heavily on a particular occasion produces drunkenness, during which speech become slurred, vision is blurred and reaction times are slowed. Some cultures forbid its use. 


What is a hydrocarbon ?   Around six million compounds of carbon are already known! Because there are so many, it is helpful to pick out those compounds which have similar structures. One of the simplest types of organic compound is the hydrocarbon .       The hydrocarbons that we study at this level can be subdivided into two 'families'. Some hydrocarbons are saturated . These molecules contain only single covalent bonds between carbon atoms. Since carbon valency of 4, the bonds  not used in making the chain are linked of hydrogen atoms (see the figure top). No further atoms can be added to molecules of these compounds. This family of saturated hydrocarbons is known as the alkanes.              Table up gives the names and formulae of the first six members of the series of alkanes. The simplest alkane contains one carbon atom and is called methane. Note that the names of the series of hydrocarbons all end in - ane . The first part of the name (the prefix) tells you the number


TIP 1: Use low temperature water                                          If we use high temperature water for washing our hairs then our hair will start falling within the pores. Use low temperature water or normal water or tap water rinse well. TIP 2: Apply conditioner after washing your hair.                                           If we apply conditioner to hair it will nourish, smoothened, frizz free to hair. TIP 3: Use herbal shampoo and conditioner                                                  If we use normal shampoo and conditioner it will dry our scalp because it has more chemicals and toxins. Oily and wet should be there our scalp if it will dry them your hair will start falling. TIP 4: Eat more of proteins                           Because of proteins the keratin is made and the hair is made up of keratin. The protein rich food are egg white, fish, meat, green leafy vegetables life spinach, broccoli etc, avocado pluses, cereals. TIP 5: Onion water                      


       Amino acids, simple sugar molecules and even fats may be relatively simple molecules but the construction of complex molecules, such as long-chain carbohydrates and proteins, shows the versatility of carbon-containing compounds. The peak of this complexity must be DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the molecule that makes life possible.        Carbon is unique in the variety of molecules it can form. The chemistry of the molecules is a separate branch of the subject known as organic chemistry . Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon-containing compounds.         There are three special features of   covalent  bonding involving carbon: Carbon atoms can join to each other to form long chains. Atoms of other elements can then attach to the chain. The carbon atoms in a chain can be linked by single, double or triple covalent bonds. Carbon atoms can also arrange themselves in rings.                                  Only carbon can achieve all these different bonding arrangements to t


      Carbon is a non-metal in group IV of the Periodic Table. It forms covalent compounds. The uniqueness of carbon lies in the different ways in which it can form bonds. This shows itself even in the element itself. Carbon exists in several different forms. Two of the forms we have met earlier: diamond and graphite. A third form, the fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, have been discovered relatively recently and their exploitation is one of the major features of the exciting new area of research referred to as nanotechnology.       The ring structures that carbon can form have been highlighted recently in the revolutionary images of pentacene. The bonding in this hydrocarbon molecule has been observed electronically using an atomic force microscope. This microscope is able to probe structures at an atomic level. The images produced are the first to show the bonds in a molecule. It is even possible to see the bonds between the outer carbon atoms atoms and the hydrogen atoms attached t